A Short Yin Yoga Sequence to Ground in Uncertain Times


This Yin Yoga sequence focuses on the spleen/stomach meridian pair, and combines suggested sequencing from Sarah Powers’ Insight Yoga, Bernie Clark’s books and websites, and the sequencing recommendations of Paul and Suzee Grilley. It is shown here with minimal propping, but I highly recommend the use of a bolster or chair in your forward folds, as well as the use of a strap in stomach or side-lying half-saddle if you have any knee discomfort.

Child’s pose

Child’s pose twist


*Seated Half-Saddle with forward fold


*Sleeping Swan

Cobbler’s Pose

Seated Meditation

*Sequencing notes: follow this portion of the sequence with one side only, and then compensate, other side, after Sleeping Swan. Stay in each pose for 2-3 minutes. Remember this is just a guide, and you can come out at any time.


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